ordering and payment process
Right now, I do not have an integrated webshop with a paywall.
If you're interested in a purchase, please send a mesage to shop@annithing.de, indicating the kind and amount of product(s) you'd like, and your preferred method of payment. You may pay via PayPal, or bank transfer. Please inform yourself about fees your bank may charge for international credit transfers.

eco-friendly printing
I aim at having my products printed with eco-friendly means by local companies.
All postcards were printed by dieumweltdruckerei.de in Germany who are
using only recycling paper, and plant-based printing ink.

obligatory remark concerning German taxation laws
Alle angegebenen Preise sind Gesamtpreise (ggf. zzgl. Versandkosten).
Aufgrund Kleinunternehmerstatus gem. § 19 UStG wird Mehrwertsteuer nicht erhoben
und entsprechend nicht in der Rechnung ausgewiesen.

postcards A6 format
in stock, printed by dieumweltdruckerei, Germany
Weight: 300g/m
². Climate neutral production on recycled paper with eco-friendly printing ink.
1,50€ per card + shipping
5,00€ set of 4 + shipping
blooming mind
digital collage

the queen
digital collage

horse skull

dream long gone
digital collage

ovary action
graphic design with drawing

Speicherstadt in
Hamburg at night

vinyl stickers 7cm in height
in stock, printed by WirMachenDruck, Germany
Climate neutral production. Weather-resistant outdoor stickers for long-lasting decoration fun
0,80€ per sticker + shipping
1,50€ set of 2 + shipping

...pictures coming soon
various formats
printed individually on demand by WirMachenDruck, Germany
170g recycling paper, climate neutral production. There are various other options on paper qualities, such as a different grammage, or latex paper. Please contact me if you are interested in these.
A4  22,00€ per poster + shipping*
A3  25,00 per poster + shipping*
A2  30,00 per poster + shipping*
*free shipping within Germany
blooming mind
digital collage
a social typology
of coffee brewing

digital collage
digital collage
dream long gone
digital collage
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